Explore Healthcare Norway

Language Packages - Trondheim

Explore Healthcare Norway

Language Packages - Trondheim


Placed in Mid-Norway, Trondheim, formerly called Nidaros (Trondhjem), was Norway's capital from 1030 to 1217. This ancient city played a key role in Norway’s history, and Nidarosdomen, Nidaros Cathedral, has always been a popular pilgrimage site for nearly 1000 years. 

Today it is a city of students, technology, culture, cycling and food. The 30,000 students, many of whom attend the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), leave their marks around the city and contribute to a high level of innovation and a vibrant cultural life.

What kind of activities

are offered?

We combine language learning with topics related to working in Healthcare and the Norwegian system, city tours and local culture; guiding and instructions adapted and tailored to your language skills, goals, and interests in this ancient cultural city with the aim to be approved as part of the diversity within the healthcare system in Norway.

Each level is four weeks and will be organized as follows:


Accommodation could be arranged for participants with cooperation with either our relocation partner, or the local rental company, (greater Trondheim-area), this to an additional cost and agreement with the partner of your choice.

We guide you but, you have to arrange your accommodation yourself since this is not a service we provide.

What about the

language levels?

To join this package, we recommend at least knowledge of the Latin alphabet and A1-level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 

New 2 Norway is an official recognized provider of Norwegian language training approved by HK-Dir (Ministry of Education). Since these packages are customized for Healthcare personnel, we recommend approximately 80 - 600 lessons (á 45 mins) to reach B2-level depending on your mother tongue. Our experience and methodology has proved to be successful by dividing our levels in 108 lessons.

Additional Information

  • Online courses from NTNU: - LearNoW-1 where we recommend our students to follow these online courses at Beginner level, while waiting for their Visa to be approved, in additional to our Explore Healthcare Norway-packages.

  • Online courses from NTNU: - LearNoW-2 where we recommend our students to follow these online courses at Intermediate level in additional to our Explore Healthcare Norway-packages.

  • HK-Dir´s Norskprøver (Language Level Tests) in March and May 2025.
Explore NTNU →

Example of schedule for 5 days intensive package (28 lessons) -


(could continue over a length of e.g. 6 months for all levels)

Wednesday to Tuesday:

Every morning 9 a.m. - 12.15* p.m. = Norwegian Language Session

Two afternoons 2 p.m. - 5.15* p.m. = Practical Norwegian Usage

*incl. 15 minutes break.

DATES in 2025

Since our packages contain a maximum of 6 participants with physical presence customized lessons towards non-EU/ non-EEA-Healthcare personnel, and topics related to pass Norway´s official language test, Norskprøven (B2), these are our starting dates for each language level (CEFR):


  • January, 15th = A1
  • February, 19th = A2


  • April, 2nd = B1
  • May, 7th = B2


  • Level A1 = 108 lessons = 3,995 € per participant,
  • Level A2 = 108 lessons = 3,995 € per participant,
  • Level B1 = 108 lessons = 3,995 € per participant,
  • Level B2 = 108 lessons = 3,995 € per participant.

Note: A deposit of 300 € per person/ level is required at the time of booking to secure and confirm your Explore Healthcare Norway Package (non-refundable fee).


Level A1

Starting dates:

January, 15th, 2025


108 lessons (1 lesson = 45 minutes).

Course outcome:

Develop a basic knowledge of the Norwegian language, traditions, culture, and society.

Teaching materials:

Customized materials level A1.

Join us!

Level A2

Starting dates:

February, 19th, 2025


108 lessons (1 lesson = 45 minutes).

Course outcome:

Develop a basic knowledge of the Norwegian language, culture, traditions, and society.

Teaching materials:

Customized materials level A2.

Enrol now!

Level B1

Starting dates:

April 2nd, 2025


108 lessons (1 lesson = 45 minutes).

Course outcome:

Establish knowledge of Norwegian working ethics, society, and topics related to healthcare in additional to grammar and vocabulary building.

Teaching materials:

Customized materials level B1 & Helsenorsk (+ NTNU´s LearnNoW2 - Online Course - 12 Chapters).


Public Holidays: half term break for Easter from April, 14th to 21st, 2025.

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Level B2

Starting dates:

May 7th, 2025


108 lessons (1 lesson = 45 minutes).

Course outcome:

Establish knowledge of Norwegian working ethics, society, healthcare topics & -system in additional to grammar and vocabulary building.

Teaching materials:

Customized materials level B2, Norskprøven B2 & Helsenorsk (+ NTNU´s LearnNoW2 - Online Course - 12 Chapters).


Public Holidays: May, 1st, 17th, 29th & June, 9th.

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