Foundation and values of Norwegian society

Foundation and values of Norwegian Society

New 2 Norway´s Core Values = (til) RORS

Role model (= Rollemodell), Care (= Omsorg)

Respect (= Respekt), Collaboration (= Samarbeid)

In today´s multi-cultural and multi-racial society, with its changing social norms and expectations, it can be difficult for humans to know what is right.

The objective of this package is to re-establish universal values where we share and contribute to the general welfare of the local and global community based om the Nordic model.


The Nordic model comprises the economic and social policies as well as typical cultural practices common in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining based on the economic foundations of social corporatism, and a commitment to private ownership within a market-based mixed economy – with Norway being a partial exception due to a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms.

(from Wikipedia:

Additional information:

Our Workshop seeks to draw out the basic human values of truth, love, peace, right conduct and non-violence, which are inherent in the human being. It is these eternal core values, which ennoble mankind and are indeed shared and recognised worldwide.

Learning take place through lesson plans based on practical, meaningful and fun activities using the five components of:

  • Stories - about life, identity and relationships;
  • Quotations, poems and prayers;
  • Group singing and music;
  • Silent sitting - exercises leading to inner calm and peace;
  • Activities e.g. drama, discussion, games, role-play, community service, etc.

In working through the lessons that comprise these components, the importance of the triple partnership of education becomes apparent: teachers will inspire children in their schools, if they are value conscious adults; parents’ example affects the conduct of their children; and children when reaching a certain age need self-discipline to balance their generally natural exuberance.

The objective is to develop human values in young people so that they can live life to their fullest potential and share and contribute to the general welfare of the local and global community.

We customize workshops, either in English or Norwegian based on these values - please send a request.

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