Blog Post

Do what works for you language wise

Entrepreneur Fjeldstad
Studying Norwegian

When it comes to learning languages, we all have different skills we put forward to gain what we aimed for.

Language learning is all about trial and error.

You try one approach. It may not give you the results you want. You try something else.

Those who have already learned foreign languages tend to find it much easier to learn another one because they’ve learned a lot from previous mistakes. They know what not to do the next time around.

In this post, we will show different methods that have worked with our students in the past and how we can create individual experiences for new students.

Start living in a bubble (the Norwegian bubble)

houses in Norway

What does living in a bubble mean?

Lots of people who come to Norway find it very easy to just speak English because, fortunately enough, Norwegians, just like other Scandinavian, people speak very good English.

This makes it so easy for foreigners to get by just by speaking English, most of the people will understand so why bother?

That is exactly the problem when international people come to Norway, they normally get along with others and use English as part of their everyday communication and use this language because it is easier.

The one thing we have seen working time and again is to burst the English bubble and start living in the Norwegian one.

We have an immersion experience approach when teaching Norwegian , we expose our students to real-life situations and get them to explore the language in multiple ways. However, there is just so much we can do. After a class, English takes over again.

Don’t let that happen.

Engage in interactions with locals using Norwegian, try to talk as much as possible with everyone you meet in Norwegian, watch TV in Norwegian, read blogs and articles in Norwegian. All in all, do as much as you can to live in a Norwegian bubble.

This will get you far in your learning efforts.

Self-awareness is the game

Although we do our best efforts to find the most comfortable way for you to learn, it is only you who knows exactly what your skills are and what works for you.

There are several types of learning styles, however; one of the most accepted understandings of learning styles is that student learning styles fall into 3 categories: Visual learners, Auditory Learners, and Kinesthetic learners.

This is what each one means:

  • Visual Learner: Prefer the use of images, maps, graphic organizers to access and understand new information. These learners are good at replicating what they can perceive visually.
  • Auditory: Best understand new content through listening and speaking in situations such as lectures and group discussions. Aural learners use repetition as a study technique and benefit from the use of mnemonic devices. These students can easily internalize, understand and replicate what they hear.
  • Kinesthetic: Understand information through tactile representation of information. These students are hands-on learners and learn best through figuring things out by hand. These students understand concepts and information by breaking it down and putting it together, either physically or mentally.

Now that you understand this, it’s time for you to acknowledge your strengths and tap on them. We all have different learning styles; you have to understand yours and use it to your advantage.

Are you a Visual Learner? Use visual content, watch movies, read newspapers, ask your teacher to use more visual content, go out and observe the world around you.

Are you auditory? Listen to music, engage in conversations with strangers, ask your teacher to use more audio content.

Kinesthetic? Get on to solving grammar exercises, immerse yourself in social activities, use language learning apps, etc.

In any case, you have to be self-aware of your style and move on that line so that you get the best results of your studies.

Go with the flow

Learning a new language

As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, learning is a trial and error process. You learn a word, grammar rule, sentence, phrase or whatever it may be, then you use it and if you make a mistake then you ask for feedback and repeat until you can use it properly and confidently.

This does not mean that it will always go the way you want, sometimes we will hit a plateau where we believe we are not processing any more information and we believe we are not learning anything else. Take a step back, relax and try again.

Sometimes you will need to go very hard on studies because you are just doing very well, some other times you will need to relax and enjoy the assimilation process, and also you’ll have to face many scenarios.

In any case, just go with the flow, put your best effort into mastering the language and enjoy the learning process. It will be so much easier than obsessing over results.

At New 2 Norway, we have the same approach when teaching Norwegian. Through years of experience, we have honed in our teaching methods but they never remain still, it is not a one-size-fits-all method.

We go with the flow…

We adjust our courses to our students, to their skills and their strengths. We get them through multiple real-life scenarios because we know that depending on their style, they will learn and react to different stimuli.

This is the reason behind the success of our students, we don’t try to fit them into our courses. We fit our courses into what works for them.

If you are still wondering how your course might look like with us, get in touch, we will be happy to help you customize your course and help you learn in the way that works best for you.

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